第二十三条 从事包装装潢印刷品印刷的企业不得印刷假冒、伪造的注册商标标识,不得印刷容易对消费者产生误导的广告宣传品和作为产品包装装潢的印刷品.
Enterprises engaged in packaging and decoration printing shall not print counterfeit or forged registered trademark marks, and shall not print advertising materials which are easily misleading to consumers and printed materials which are used as packaging and decoration of products.
第二十四条 印刷企业接受委托印刷注册商标标识的,应当验证商标注册人所在地县级工商行政管理部门签章的《商标注册证》复印件,并核查委托人提供的注册商标图样;接受注册商标被许可使用人委托,印刷注册商标标识的,印刷企业还应当验证注册商标使用许可合同。印刷企业应当保存其验证、核查的工商行政管理部门签章的《商标注册证》复印件、注册商标图样、注册商标使用许可合同复印件2年,以备查验。
If a printing enterprise accepts the entrustment to print a registered trademark mark mark, it shall verify the copy of the Trademark Registration Certificate signed by the administrative department for Industry and commerce at the county level where the trademark registrant is located, and the pattern of the registered trademark provided by the principal; if it accepts the entrustment of the licensed user of the registered trademark and prints the logo of the registered trademark, the printing enterprise shall The license contract for the use of registered trademarks should also be verified. A printing enterprise shall keep a copy of the Trademark Registration Certificate, the pattern of the registered trademark and the copy of the license contract for the use of the registered trademark signed and verified by the administrative department for Industry and Commerce for two years for examination.
Where the state has otherwise provided for the printing of registered trademark marks, the printing enterprise shall also comply with its provisions.
第二十五条 印刷企业接受委托印刷广告宣传品、作为产品包装装潢的印刷品的,应当验证委托印刷单位的营业执照或者个人的居民身份证;接受广告经营者的委托印刷广告宣传品的,还应当验证广告经营资格证明。
If a printing enterprise accepts an entrusted printed advertising publicity material as a printed product for packaging and decoration, it shall verify the business license of the entrusted printing unit or the resident identity card of the individual; if it accepts the entrusted printed advertising publicity material by an advertising operator, it shall also verify the certificate of advertising operation qualification.
第二十六条 印刷企业接受委托印刷包装装潢印刷品的,应当将印刷品的成品、半成品、废品和印板、纸型、底片、原稿等全部交付委托印刷单位或者个人,不得擅自留存。
If a printing enterprise accepts the entrustment to print and pack and decorate printed materials, it shall consign all the finished products, semi-finished products, waste products and printed boards, paper forms, negatives and manuscripts of the printed materials to the entrusted printing unit or individual, and shall not keep them without authorization.
第二十七条 印刷企业接受委托印刷境外包装装潢印刷品的,必须事先向所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府出版行政部门备案;印刷的包装装潢印刷品必须全部运输出境,不得在境内销售。
If a printing enterprise accepts the entrustment to print packaging and decoration printed materials abroad, it must submit them to the publishing administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government of the locality for the record; all printed packaging and decoration printed materials must be transported out of the country and must not be sold within the territory of China.